HB Greentech Partners GmbH
Curienstraße 1
20095 Hamburg
HB Greentech Partners GmbH
Curienstraße 1
20095 Hamburg
+49 172 42 33 433
HB Greentech Partners GmbH
Curienstr. 1
20095 Hamburg
Authorized Managing Directors:
Christian Busdiecker and Marc Hamer
Phone: +49 172 4233433
E-mail: contact@greentech-partners.com
Commercial Register:
District Court of Hamburg
HRB No. 179488
VAT Identification Number: DE359786777
Responsible for website content
Managing Director: Marc Hamer
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The content of the pages of Greentech Partners has been carefully edited and reviewed. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided.
Despite careful monitoring of content, we do not assume liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
All rights to the online presence of www.greentech-partners.de and www.greentech-partners.com are reserved by HB Greentech Partners GmbH. Copying or using the content and images of the website requires written permission.
HB Greentech Partners GmbH makes no representations, advice, recommendations, guarantees, or warranties of any kind through this website.